【愤怒】强烈抵制各种游乐园fast lane/ priority pass等优先票
2021-09-30 16:35:57
打倒有机食物!打倒express pass! 哈哈
将那些无家可归的, 被暴风雨吹打得东摇西晃的人, 送给我吧,
By 埃玛.拉札勒斯
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
By Emma Lazarus
pwwp 发表于 2021-09-30 16:16
这个当年身体不好的一样直接被船原路送回去 所以当年才要在岛上体检
不得不说 这个世界上真没多少是公平的 以后更少了
随着发展 死亡也不公平了 教育也不公平了
像刘慈欣小说里写的 以后脑机接口一旦实现
富人能够通过机器接受大量的知识 一代代生下来就有最先进最全面的知识
"Upon arrival at Ellis Island, immigrants were ushered into a room called the Great Hall and paraded before a series of medical officers for physical inspection. Most were allowed to pass by in a matter of seconds, but those whom the doctors deemed physically or mentally deficient were marked with chalk and taken away for additional screening. Questionable candidates were forced to submit to more detailed questioning and medical exams, and any signs of contagious disease, poor physique, feeblemindedness or insanity could see an immigrant denied admittance on the grounds that they were likely to become a ward of the state. In later years, doctors at Ellis Island even devised puzzles and memory tests to ensure that certain immigrants were intelligent enough to find work. New arrivals could also face rejection if they were anarchists, had a criminal record or showed signs of low moral character. Despite the litany of guidelines for new immigrants, the number of people denied entry at Ellis Island was quite low. Of the 12 million people who passed through its doors between 1892 and 1954, only around 2 percent were deemed unfit to become citizens of the United States."
歪哥 我真是欣赏你一派天真烂漫 赤子之心
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