新加坡数学(challenge word problems) 免费课
2022-07-19 19:06:59
BA 免费课程结束以后,大家反响很好,继续新加坡数学的免费课程,主要以challenge word problems 课本为主。
Lesson 1: Number bonds
Lesson 2: Addition and subtraction within 10
Lesson 3: Ordinal numbers
Lesson 4: Addition and subtraction within 20
Lesson 5: Shapes and patterns
Lesson 6: Length
Lesson 7: Graphs
Lesson 8: Addition and subtraction within 40
Lesson 9: Multiplication
Lesson 10: Division
Lesson 11: Time
Lesson 12: Addition and subtraction within 100
Lesson 13: Addition and subtraction with money
Lesson 14: Review
Teacher: Hannah Shu is a high school senior. She received a 5 on both the AP Calculus BC and AP English Language exams. She is a national merit finalist and national AP scholar, and she has experience tutoring elementary and middle school kids in English and math both for NHS and outside of school.
Lesson 1: Whole Numbers
Lesson 2: Four Operations of Whole Numbers
Lesson 3: Mental Calculation, Operations on Fractions, Decimals
Lesson 4: Angles
Lesson 5: Perpendicular and Parallel Lines, Tiling Patterns and Symmetry
Lesson 6: Area and Perimeter
Lesson 7: Tables and Graphs
Lesson 8: Volume, Solid Figures
Lesson 9-10: Review
Teacher: Jamie
Jamie is a high school senior. She has received multiple 5's on a variety of AP exams, including Chemistry, Calculus, and English Language and Composition. Under NHS, she has tutored elementary to middle schoolers in basic mathematics and grammar. She is a board member of her high school's Eco Club and an avid creative writer. Additionally, she is a National Merit Finalist and a National AP Scholar.
polyzhu 发表于 2021-03-25 21:27
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