2016-02-09 16:35:21
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. My background lacks any religious education nor spiritual experiences, but I'm interested to learn more through this discussion. Hope you can help me with the basic concept still, so if my questions sound blunt or disrespectful, I apologies. It is not my intention.
I'd like to know how "分别心“ and “缘” is related. In my understanding, the goal is to achieve no 分别心, treat everyone equal. But in cases where you pick your friends, you would select the ones you have "缘分“ with. When we do that, won't we treating people differently?
Through the discussion in this thread, I also see there is a requirement to have faith in your master. Trust that person no matter what. But how do you tell if someone is truly doing good for you? In the example you had with your friends asking you to buy stuff, you don't think that was a good deed for her, so you ignored her request, but how do you know if she is asking for herself? What if she is buying for someone special and deserve it? I'm trying to understand how to think about this logically. Or this is more about "智慧“, and not so much with the logic we are familiar with?
Thanks for explaining. 分别心是指人内在的心态, this 内在的心态, is not the same as how we usually referring to our feelings, right? This is the state we want to achieve through 修心?
Like you mentioned earlier, we want to find our 本心, and our 本心 will treat everyone equal.
因为它本身就超越了二元对立,所以,用二元对立世界观的逻辑是无法理解的. This is interesting, I guess it's like trying to explain 4 dimensional world to people only understand 3 dimensions.
人生的妙处就是真理不是理解出来的,而是靠自己的行为实践出来的. this is hard to understand. If it is been done, why it can't be explained? But that's ok, I wish I can at least through the examples trying to grasp the meaning.
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