2016-05-10 18:13:45
我只能说每个人都有自己的人生,世界上没有完美的父母,当然会希望世界上所有的孩子的父母都是最好的,但是这是不可能的。其实每个人都有自己的精神问题,没有人的mental health是绝对健康的。我不反对有精神疾病,但是有自理能力的人生孩子,人家靠自己生活,为什么要莫名其妙被剥夺生育权?就因为基因是不完美的?而且只是在现有科学下的不完美?每个人都有自己的人生,也会自己take risk或者responsibility,那就可以啦。
cherrymini 发表于 5/10/2016 3:38:23 PM [url=][/url]
cherrymini 发表于 5/10/2016 3:38:23 PM [url=][/url]
re this one. who can declare his/her gene is perfect. might have a high cancer tendency, might not be good looking, IQ might not above 130...
Well, when I was very young, my father once told me a treatment can give 5 more years to his patient, I asked why do they even want to do it just for 5 years? Since 5 years is nothing. My father said life is like that, even a healthy person can have a car accident in 5 years, so people don't have to live at all?
So how about baby blues, depression, environmental factors also contributes. So people are regarded as bad gene as well? Well, for a high tendency, people should be careful, but world is not black and white, too many factors.
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