【奥巴去广岛,称美国不能“repeat the evil”,为反法西斯的胜利道歉?】大选聊天帖
2015-09-12 18:48:48
Trump, 我喜欢!大嘴巴,但很中听。
左派当然希望HP女出来和希拉里对决,因为她容易被希拉里KO,如果是Trump的话希拉里就麻烦了。另外,Fox News 是默多克的。现在的媒体,没一家能让人相信的。
Fox News,彻底弃之。
Several Iowan posted online after caucus that
My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines.
The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was
dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben
Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not
dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this
caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race
. Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
Carson 38 votes
Trump 33 votes
Cruz 34 votes
Rubio 10 votes
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the
other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the
emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they
should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not
dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have
to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
Really a low life and not a presidential material
luckyso 发表于 2/3/2016 2:22:11 AM [url=][/url]
My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines.
The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was
dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben
Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not
dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this
caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race
. Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
Carson 38 votes
Trump 33 votes
Cruz 34 votes
Rubio 10 votes
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the
other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the
emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they
should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not
dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have
to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
Really a low life and not a presidential material
luckyso 发表于 2/3/2016 2:22:11 AM [url=][/url]
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