(干货都没了)从online dating说到bloody gorgeous Harvey!
2013-07-11 16:07:00
那就一定要辛苦可爱麦mm了,不过别忘了批注,分享你的想法。 每个人对相同文字的解读不同,我们要听mm的看法。嗯。
喜欢mm说的,各种看法都有个人经历backup。 智慧就是从亲身经历中回顾和反思产生的。
其实mm也别太觉得frustrated, 那些很有主见,约会很顺利的姑娘们,也不会经常到这里来开贴了。开贴的,都是需要帮助的,彷徨迷惑的小姑娘。这些小姑娘很容易被一段旁人看来很不靠谱的感情冲昏头脑。冲昏头脑的姑娘不是那么好劝的,如果个个姑娘都是冰雪聪明,玲珑剔透,那就不会有心版了,也不会有那么多家庭抓马,也不会有那么多wsn那么得意了。
以下是引用cute-wheat在7/26/2013 5:29:00 PM的发言:
to be honest with u, i dont like the way u talked to him via email. u sounded like a drama queen. but its very typical for a chinese woman. WHY am i saying this? clearly u wanted him to accept ur past and continue getting to know u better. u should have made it clear in the first place.. i mean in the first email u sent to him - besides telling him abt ur divorce, u also wanted to let him know ur still interested in him. his reaction to ur confusing email is normal, ur response is bizarre. what the heck does "i dont know" mean?! come on, give me a break.
agree! This mm is clearly trying to manipulate her boyfriend. This strategy is used so much by narcissists. She doesn't care about other people's feeling. She just wants to get her be honest with u, i dont like the way u talked to him via email. u sounded like a drama queen. but its very typical for a chinese woman. WHY am i saying this? clearly u wanted him to accept ur past and continue getting to know u better. u should have made it clear in the first place.. i mean in the first email u sent to him - besides telling him abt ur divorce, u also wanted to let him know ur still interested in him. his reaction to ur confusing email is normal, ur response is bizarre. what the heck does "i dont know" mean?! come on, give me a break.
以下是引用rachmany在7/27/2013 12:54:00 AM的发言:
please. Don't be so harsh or judgmental. Maybe she is confused or lost after the drastic changes in her life. Maybe she really didn't know what she wanted at that point. Given some time, she will pick herself up and muster enuf courage to speak up and pursue what she wants in her life.
不了解全部。 只是觉得这个mm做事有点遮遮掩掩。
比如没离婚上eh.这本来没什么,如果她跟她老公两个人达成共识,各自move on, the only thing left was to get the divorce paper, then I think it is totally ok to put herself out there. Otherwise, she was unfaithful and cheating.
Then, she sent him an email to explain "things", I don't know what she explained. Did she claim herself as a single woman when she was on eh? Then she was lying.
Then, she said she got his response "in 30 minutes", and she said "I don't know" while clearly she wanted him to come along, that is manipulation.please. Don't be so harsh or judgmental. Maybe she is confused or lost after the drastic changes in her life. Maybe she really didn't know what she wanted at that point. Given some time, she will pick herself up and muster enuf courage to speak up and pursue what she wants in her life.
I had a manipulative ex. I was naive for sure. Whenever he had done something wrong or he felt that I was about to reveal one of his lies. He created dramas. he would say " I love you, but I just don't think you will ever understand that .....blahblah. we are from different worlds, you always think things are simple, only right and wrong. But in reality, I have to blahblah... or How could you not trust me. When all these stopped working. He would break up with me, and then came backing saying "I don't know".
That is manipulation. Some people are really good at it, like my ex. some are not. like this mm.
I know she is young, God love her and all that.
But, hi, be truthful and treat others like the way you would like to be treated.
不过还是想送给mm一句话。有的时候,我们会觉得自己不够完美,于是把真实的自己用谎言伪装起来。 希望对方接受自己,再慢慢接受我们的不完美。 这事儿的利与弊,就看你到底有多“聪明”,对方到底有多善良。 mm也不是个坏mm,年轻人犯错误上帝也会原谅哒。
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