From my own experience, 80% of women are like that. It’s sad, but true.
Lexian 发表于 2022-09-18 11:36
也许是因为很多男人对女人跟对有温度的飞机杯差不多吧,女人没有性欲的时候, 男人不花心思气力去调动女人情绪,反而抱着“practically nothing you need to do, as long as not against it”的想法, 那女人死鱼躺很难理解吗?
为什么爱这个男人, 女人却没有欲望?
jodan007 发表于 2022-09-18 13:45
Urrh, “奸尸”的事倒是从来没做过, but the sad truth is even when fully aroused, most women just accept it passively. They don’t tell you what they want, they don’t act in coordination, make be except some moaning. :-D
before you go berserk, tell me this: do you know when the man is about to come? Do you know how to stop it?
Lexian 发表于 2022-09-18 14:52
Huh, 没看懂最后的问句是什么意思?
男人要高潮, 自私或是能力差的马上就射了,水平层次高的男人会通过放缓动作, 调整体位等方式调整好自己的状态,直到女方得到满足之后才释放自己。 怎么会需要女人去stop it
so your answer basically means nothing women need to do. Yes, some men can control, but every women can do it, easier, if you pay attention and participate.
Lexian 发表于 2022-09-18 15:25
我说的是男的要射,女的为什么要去stop It? 让男的射不出太容易了, 可是for what? 实在不明白你怎么就理解成nothing women need to do了
Didn’t you just say a good man should release AFTER woman comes?
Lexian 发表于 2022-09-18 15:38
性爱本来就应该互相满足, 男的先高潮后高潮都没关系, 只要最后他让女人也得到了满足就行
Well, you are conflicting against yourself. Men’s ejection is a real function, takes a surge of postagldine and automatic muscule contraction to achieve- and it need time to recover. Don’t listen to the forum myth of 一夜七次郎。 even if they can come multiple time, often with help of drugs, the intermittent of it is near total collapse. On the other side, women’s come has no real physical function, and it’s not as nearly depleted. One of the most common complaint of sex from women is they were just forgotten after men came. That’s unfortunately physical and has nothing to do with love.
Lexian 发表于 2022-09-18 16:28
你说的和我说的没冲突啊, 男的要能多次, 先射后射无所谓, 要是一夜只能一次, 那就满足女人之后再射。 能力不足, 就用手口工具也行。 如果找借口只顾自己爽的话, 有什么权利要求女人随叫随到
I got you, your bottom line is still nothing I need to do. He should make you satisfied. Now, let me ask you, are you sexually satisfied?
Lexian 发表于 2022-09-18 18:10
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