《Something in Between》
2011-10-31 22:57:00
《万象》II:《Something in Between》
“时尚”,“摄影”, 和“文字”之间的关系 ——— 有时候把相机架在没有人的小路上,拍摄前它发出一闪一闪的光,是即便我走的再远,也能看见的红色的小光。 那个时候就由衷地觉得,它是看着我的。它会一直看着我。 我们之间有美好的交流。 它赋予我的图像,最后等我用文字讲述出来。它雕刻下的时光,有一天会带我到记忆的彼岸。。。
《万象》I 链接:http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=339&Id=1051110
曾经写过的有关吃的健身保养贴: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=341&id=1023391&page=0&star=21#editform
曾经热烈讨论过的有关自拍贴:http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=225&ID=970247&replyID=&skin=1, 还有本贴的481楼~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/21 3:10:49编辑过]
1。Club Monaco :is a mid-priced, high-end casual clothing retailer owned by Polo Ralph Lauren. The company is best known for its classic "black and white" styles.
这是一家原始于加拿大的品牌, 喜欢它简洁干净的设计和剪裁, 尤其钟情于它家的裙子和裤子~~~
Skirt by Club Monaco
色影花絮: 正午的户外自然光线
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/1 12:06:01编辑过]
2。 Theory: defined its customer as global, intelligent, and fashion-savvy. Placing a premium on fit and fabric quality, Theory created a collection of stand alone pieces that serve as the foundation of customer's wardrobe. Targeted customer segmentation is: who has a demanding and versatile lifestyle. Sophisticated, urban, and discriminating, yet seeking comfort and value.
我90%的工作套装都是这个品牌, 大爱它的剪裁和做工!! 尤其是裤装,在臀部和大腿部的剪裁,是其他品牌无可代替的~~~
Black dress by Theory, Belt by Coach
色影花絮: long story short, shot by 路人甲, which happend to be a "cop":)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/3 16:47:33编辑过]
4。 Giorgio Armani: Italian fashion designer, particularly noted for his menswear. 1995年之后,开始大规模进行市场"line extention", 有了无数中低端附属时装及化妆品品牌. 我个人只喜欢它的: 男装, 领带, 围巾, 还有粉底和腮红~~;)
scarf by Giorgio Armani
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/1 12:07:50编辑过]
5. 黄昏那抹光~~~
Bodysuit by A&F
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/11 16:36:51编辑过]
6。Kimberly Ovitz: one of favorite L.A. local desingers, her work weaves together luxury, minimalism, and abstract concept. 因为是Local desinger, 所以我们这里的Nordstrom有很多她的东西...最爱她的dress, 不经意之细节处, 流露出无尽的美好~~~;)
Black silk dress by Kimbrely Ovitz
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/1 12:16:02编辑过]
7. 清晨的光...有万种情绪~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/4 8:22:46编辑过]
9. 本年度色影大爱之一...如此性感的白墙, 可遇不可求~~~:)
Dress by BCBG (它家今年的设计尤其地出色)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/21 2:11:46编辑过]
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