Carson talking about Trump:
The second question comes from Lee who wants to know what I think about Don Trump.
Candy and I have known the Trumps for a while. He is a very successful man, and has a generous heart. I know he loves his country greatly. Our styles are very different, yet our message about saving our country and changing Washington are quite powerful. I am not running against anyone. I am running to save the country for our children and grandchildren.
Carson每天会在FB上回答一些选民的问题,挺喜欢看的,他也是一个很有common sense的人。
luckyso 发表于 8/30/2015 10:58:48 PM [url=][/url]
The second question comes from Lee who wants to know what I think about Don Trump.
Candy and I have known the Trumps for a while. He is a very successful man, and has a generous heart. I know he loves his country greatly. Our styles are very different, yet our message about saving our country and changing Washington are quite powerful. I am not running against anyone. I am running to save the country for our children and grandchildren.
Carson每天会在FB上回答一些选民的问题,挺喜欢看的,他也是一个很有common sense的人。
luckyso 发表于 8/30/2015 10:58:48 PM [url=][/url]
前几天我看谁帖子说他对TAXES 事件装聋作哑来着? 他对政治正确什么态度啊?
BTW 黑人共和党的多吗? 我以为八九成黑人都支持民主党来着。
BTW 黑人共和党的多吗? 我以为八九成黑人都支持民主党来着。
他是反对BLM的,前一阵他发了一篇文章,系统性的讲述了BLM misfire, 如何set wrong target, 正确的target是什么。
The idea that disrupting and protesting Bernie Sanders speeches will change what is wrong in America is lunacy. The "BlackLivesMatter" movement is focused on the wrong targets, to the detriment of blacks who would like to see real change and to the benefit of its powerful [url=]white liberal funders[/url] using the attacks on Sanders for political purposes that mean nothing for the problems that face our community.
他里面还讲了他也是从很坏的区出来的,可是他母亲saved him with a library card:
I grew up in neighborhoods most Americans were told to never drive through. I saw bullets, drugs and death in the same places I played tag and ball with my friends. Both of my older cousins died on the streets where I lived. I thought that was my destiny.
But my mother didn't. She changed all of that. She saved my brother and me from being killed on those streets with nothing but a library card.
Black里面5%是republican, 65% democrats, 30% independent.
Carson就属于这稀有的5%的杰出代表。如果以后能当上VP, 或者其他重要的政府职位,绝对对于heal被O8分裂的美国有好处。
你好NB。 知道这么多!
luckyso 发表于 8/31/2015 12:26:52 AM [url=][/url]
不过黑人这事还真的只能让有识的黑人指出来。 其他谁说都不行。 希望他能有点作为。
BEN carson 是不是GRAY ANATOMY里面 CHRIS almost marry 的那个黑人医生的原型?
不过DEMOCRATIC 那帮还是不会承认政治正确这些事情的。
我们办公室那个中国LESBIAN 平时交的朋友都是穷人混混之类的。 她就被左派跟洗脑过一样。成天都是穷人的生活不好啊。 她自己都没有绿卡, 还天天操心难民的绿卡。。。。
刚看了这个新闻,女生还是要小心些,受害者stabbed, beaten and raped, still in ICU: [url=][/url]
luckyso 发表于 8/31/2015 1:48:30 AM [url=][/url]
她不怕吧。 都跟变性人上床了, 前几天是把一个关过几天保释出来的认带她家里舌吻来着。还炫耀给我们听。。。感觉她没有在怕。。。LGBT的世界完全超越我的理解。。。我只希望她不要得艾滋。。。
Cruz - first candidate to speak out on Texas police officer murder:
Ted Cruz shared Harris County Sheriff's Office's photo
Cops across this country are feeling the assault. They’re feeling the assault from the President, from the top on down as we see, whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response of senior officials of the President, of the Attorney General, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.
I’m proud to stand with law enforcement, to stand with the police and fire fighters and first responders. They are American heroes. And they need a President who doesn’t attack and vilify them and who doesn’t seek to tear us apart along racial lines to inflame racial divisions. Instead we need a President who works to bring us together and unify us behind shared American values.
luckyso 发表于 8/31/2015 11:22:19 PM [url=][/url]
Ted Cruz shared Harris County Sheriff's Office's photo
Cops across this country are feeling the assault. They’re feeling the assault from the President, from the top on down as we see, whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response of senior officials of the President, of the Attorney General, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.
I’m proud to stand with law enforcement, to stand with the police and fire fighters and first responders. They are American heroes. And they need a President who doesn’t attack and vilify them and who doesn’t seek to tear us apart along racial lines to inflame racial divisions. Instead we need a President who works to bring us together and unify us behind shared American values.
luckyso 发表于 8/31/2015 11:22:19 PM [url=][/url]
今天看新闻说TEXAS DEPUTY说今年就要把那个黑人拿去送审, 坚决不等到明年。 然后CNN上BLM 和一个不知道什么人吵起来了。 BLM的代表竟然说白人警察死的速度不足以MATCH 他们每28 小时死一个黑人的速度。。。。 说每逮捕9个黑人才逮捕一个白人。。。。 他们比较东西从来都不算黑人权重, 黑人犯罪率之类的。 乱拿数字说话。
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