【奥巴去广岛,称美国不能“repeat the evil”,为反法西斯的胜利道歉?】大选聊天帖
2015-08-25 09:39:18
TRUMP明显比他聪明多了. anchor baby是他先提出来的,就算被批不pc人家从来都不backdown,
布什一被批,就软了,还用亚洲人来做挡箭牌来kiss latino的ass, 又软弱又笨拙
HP女好像说她有个孩子因为吸毒死了? 如果是真的, 作为父母责任挺大的;她口才是好,但是我不看好一个如果连父母责任都没做好的人做国家领导。
别说,之前我没怎么注意hp女的,昨晚debate看了,还真有trump说的感觉-- look at that face, can you image it would be the president? 这女的脸又刻薄又苦相 不过在pc world 这话不能摆上台来说是真的 lol... 如果她获得gop提名对阵主党的希老太,太有意思了!bloomberg news有个昨晚辩论的语言水平的统计评估,trump的水平是5th grade,大部分人在7~8th grade,最高的是ted cruz, 10th grade。可能大部分观众也就是5th grade的水平,所以他们投票 trump赢了。 也不是说trump的教育程度低,人家可是名校mba毕业的,作为生意人,语言表达就是简单直接易懂,这跟职业ceo和politicians不一样。
He is too arrogant to learn... I am really surprised people still vote for him to be the debate winner.
23 million watched GOP debate, a record for CNN
September 17
Wednesday's prime time GOP debate averaged 22.9 million viewers, making it the most-watched program in CNN's history.
The 6 p.m. "undercard" debate drew 6.3 million viewers.
For comparison's sake, CNN's most-watched presidential primary debate before Wednesday was a Democratic debate on January 31, 2008. It had an average of 8.3 million viewers.
PositiveVibe 发表于 9/17/2015 1:01:05 PM [url=][/url]
September 17
Wednesday's prime time GOP debate averaged 22.9 million viewers, making it the most-watched program in CNN's history.
The 6 p.m. "undercard" debate drew 6.3 million viewers.
For comparison's sake, CNN's most-watched presidential primary debate before Wednesday was a Democratic debate on January 31, 2008. It had an average of 8.3 million viewers.
PositiveVibe 发表于 9/17/2015 1:01:05 PM [url=][/url]
First debate with fox 24 millions.
“My life changed forever when I was a young man on an exchange program in León Guanajuato, Mexico. Across a plaza, I saw a girl. She spoke little English, and my Spanish was a work in progress. But for me, it was love at first sight. Some people don’t think that’s a real thing—but I know. I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t eat; I lost 20 pounds. From the moment I got to know her, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.”
PositiveVibe 发表于 9/17/2015 1:29:29 PM [url=][/url]
“My life changed forever when I was a young man on an exchange program in León Guanajuato, Mexico. Across a plaza, I saw a girl. She spoke little English, and my Spanish was a work in progress. But for me, it was love at first sight. Some people don’t think that’s a real thing—but I know. I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t eat; I lost 20 pounds. From the moment I got to know her, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.”
PositiveVibe 发表于 9/17/2015 1:29:29 PM [url=][/url]
不是说婚姻应该是要门当户对吗,他老婆上嫁的故事也算一段童话了, 看她现在穿戴都是名牌, 老公死心塌地,这是命真好。
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