AVAT 七月份的Neroli有问题?
2016-08-20 01:23:45
"I want to thank you for participating in our summer Christmas in July promotion.
It has come to our attention that the Neroli Hydrosol you purchased is losing its scent. We had this product tested and at the time of testing it has all the components of Neroli water and is free of any contamination. Knowing there is no contaminants and the water’s contents are consistent with Neroli Hydrosol I feel it is safe to use. However: Due to the fact that the product is losing its scent we are applying a store credit of the amount you paid plus five dollars. Below you will find the details of the credit. Please accept my apology as we always want to bring you the finest products available."
然后给了store credit。感觉很奇怪,因为信里说的是没有污染,可以安全使用,那为什么要退款呢,感觉都是有问题的产品才会召回呀。花水losing its scent有什么不好的地方吗?这瓶其实我还囤着没开,还应该正常用吗?
"I want to thank you for participating in our summer Christmas in July promotion.
It has come to our attention that the Neroli Hydrosol you purchased is losing its scent. We had this product tested and at the time of testing it has all the components of Neroli water and is free of any contamination. Knowing there is no contaminants and the water’s contents are consistent with Neroli Hydrosol I feel it is safe to use. However: Due to the fact that the product is losing its scent we are applying a store credit of the amount you paid plus five dollars. Below you will find the details of the credit. Please accept my apology as we always want to bring you the finest products available."
然后给了store credit。感觉很奇怪,因为信里说的是没有污染,可以安全使用,那为什么要退款呢,感觉都是有问题的产品才会召回呀。花水losing its scent有什么不好的地方吗?这瓶其实我还囤着没开,还应该正常用吗?
Avat 蛮有良心的
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