【伊版管理处】基於Gender identity gender expression 会员性别、性倾向,会员自己說的算
2021-05-21 01:55:16
在伊版,由于交流内容围绕亲密关系,性事为主,所以每层主想自己被视为或被称为 什么性别,什么性倾向,性味等等 来发贴 比 阅读者说该层主是什么性别 等等 来得更重要。
Why is it important to respect people’s pronouns? ~ by
"You can’t always know what someone’s pronouns are by looking at them. Asking and correctly using someone’s pronouns is one of the most basic ways to show your respect for their gender identity.
When someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, alienated, or dysphoric ( often all of the above.)
It is a privilege to not have to worry about which pronoun someone is going to use for you based on how they perceive your gender. If you have this privilege, yet fail to respect someone else’s gender identity, it is not only disrespectful and hurtful, but also oppressive."
Gender identity and gender expression
“Sex is the anatomical classification of people as male, female or intersex, usually assigned at birth.
Gender identity is each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is a person’s sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex.
Gender expression is how a person publicly expresses or presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender. Others perceive a person’s gender through these attributes.
A person’s gender identity is fundamentally different from and not related to their sexual orientation.
Trans or transgender is an umbrella term referring to people with diverse gender identities and expressions that differ from stereotypical gender norms. It includes but is not limited to people who identify as transgender, trans woman (male-to-female MTF), trans man (female-to-male FTM), transsexual, cross-dressers, or gender non-conforming, gender variant or gender queer.
Gender non-conforming individuals do not follow gender stereotypes based on the sex they were assigned at birth and may or may not identify as trans.
“Lived” gender identity is the gender a person feels internally (“gender identity” along the gender spectrum) and expresses publicly (“gender expression”) in their daily life including at work, while shopping or accessing other services, in their housing environment or in the broader community. See section 13.3.3 of this policy: Recognizing lived gender identity.”
望本版贴文会员能 support gender inclusive pronouns。
请参考: [url][/url]
“we try to build a culture where we don’t make assumptions or pass judgment on each other. So if a person chooses to tell you their pronouns (in their signature line or otherwise), they are simply letting you know how you can refer to them, without you having to make any assumptions.”
「if someone decides to tell you their pronouns, it does not automatically mean they are transgender or gender non-conforming. It’s basically a way of saying “rather than operating in a system where we assume each other’s gender and automatically attach pronouns to each other, I’ll instead let you know what pronouns work best for me.” Isn’t life easier when we’re not always having to assume things about each other?」
我不反对同性恋,不反对gender transformation,但是我不能接受gender self identification之类的虚假不真诚的东西。
人贵在真诚。如果Sarah姐认为很有必要把gender self identification之类的作为版规,那我就只能离开了。大家玩得开心。
我不反对同性恋,不反对gender transformation,但是我不能接受gender self identification之类的虚假不真诚的东西。
人贵在真诚。如果Sarah姐认为很有必要把gender self identification之类的作为版规,那我就只能离开了。大家玩得开心。
三波sangpo 发表于 2021-05-21 03:28
情到深处是沧桑 发表于 2021-05-21 08:30
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