最近狂迷Entourage (更新)
2007-03-09 01:20:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 18:18:17编辑过]
这个电视剧是根据Mark Wahlberg自己的亲身经历改编的,讲的就是一个电影新星在事业蒸蒸日上的同时,生活越来越美好。他有几个高中的好朋友在他出名以后一直跟他住在一起,吃他的用他的,大家一起party,一起high。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-9 1:40:21编辑过]
这个电视剧多次被Emmy还有Gloden Globes提名,其中演男主的agent的演员得了最佳supporting actor 奖,他确实演得很好。由于这个电视剧是HBO出的,又是讲电影明星生活的,自然有很多女生想献身,所以就有很多露点镜头。看得我流鼻血啦!
hehe... finally someone's talking about it
One of my favorite shows too!! The talent agency in the show is supposed to be Endeavor... As for Vince's friends, not sure about others, but Turtle is a real person, the person in real life also has the name "turtle", and he's just like Turtle in the show... he is actually Mark Walberg's cousin (well, maybe that's the only fictional part)
hehe... finally someone's talking about it
One of my favorite shows too!! The talent agency in the show is supposed to be Endeavor... As for Vince's friends, not sure about others, but Turtle is a real person, the person in real life also has the name "turtle", and he's just like Turtle in the show... he is actually Mark Walberg's cousin (well, maybe that's the only fictional part)
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