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2024-06-24 03:29:55



作者  金古羽







One of the letters asking for global help from @Musk:With your help and voice, it should be possible to quickly lead mankind to a scientific path that avoids death and pursues life, where everyone is happy

——I entrust my friend to forward this letter to the world

Author Jin Guyu

Why do we need to send an open letter to the world @Musk and all the human elites?Because we hope that all of humanity can discuss and identify a scientific issue that has never been truly and comprehensively addressed by humans, but has always determined everyone's every minute, every second, even their life and death, and their lifetime happiness.This is a scientific topic that is very important to all mankind, but its perspective is unfamiliar to everyone.Therefore, considering the three perspectives that the topic can be raised safely, that it will be initially understood and faced by all mankind as quickly and comprehensively as possible, and that the topic must be raised to all mankind as it is urgent and cannot be delayed any longer, we finally believe that it is most appropriate to provide help by calling on Mr. Musk.I recently wrote an article on this scientific topic from the perspective of natural philosophy《The only scientific rein for human beings to control everything is The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that runs through the interpretation of cosmic energy throughout time and space》(《人类畅控万事的唯一科学缰绳是贯通宇宙能量全时空演绎的程序定质规律》).I have asked a friend to help post this article on the Internet so that everyone can search for it.World War III now seems inevitable,and because no one can find a way to stop its accelerating approach,So I wrote an article proposing a complete solution to the problem of permanent peace for mankind.I personally firmly believe that all of humanity needs to be guided by discussing this topic,explore and reflect on the underlying laws of human social cooperation in all time and space from a new perspective.The wisdom generated by this collaboration,it will surely enable all of humanity to quickly find a scientific path that will allow all humans to avoid death and pursue life, and bring happiness to everyone.

First, Musk’s human sentiments should have been universally recognized.The impact of the results of his efforts is most instantly transformed into conditions for promoting the rapid dissemination of new information.Moreover, Mr. Musk always thinks about the direction of saving mankind from a scientific perspective, which also makes it easier for him to accept information from new scientific perspectives.The best driving force for the transformation and upgrading of human civilization comes from various human cooperation organizations established by natural persons giving up their rights.However, the elites of human cooperative organizations find it difficult to stand on the standpoint of natural science and are more accustomed to receiving information from the standpoint of social inertia.I have been trying for quite some time to get my message across to the political elite.It turned out that I was not strong enough to convey this message to the political elite, let alone to make it accepted.

Second, all of humanity feels that the life-and-death changes that will overturn human survival have become increasingly treacherous.Looking at this change from the most fundamental perspective, it is actually the result of human civilization, which is the result of the cooperative combination of cosmic energy. It has produced a subversive confrontation with the essence of cosmic energy, so humanity is accelerating towards being subverted and destroyed.All the hard work, suffering, and tribulations of human society are God's whip on mankind with the whip of the laws of the essence of the universe. God constantly reminds mankind to recognize that the laws of the essence of the universe are the ones that determine the life and death of all things in the universe, its sustainability, and all the successes and failures of mankind.It is just the primitive and primary load that humans first see when they see the world, and they can only make value judgments based on the appearance of the objects they see.The value orientation of the operating mode of human thinking formed by this has long been solidified into the inertia of thinking path dependence.This has resulted in humanity being unable to discover the point at which human civilization, as it is doing, comes into subversive conflict with the laws of the universe's essential deduction.Therefore, we are helpless in the face of the increasingly imminent Third World War which is likely to destroy all of humanity.I think that at this time, through the scientific topic guide article I proposed, we can let everyone put aside the human thinking mode and path that has evolved over history, and let the elites of all mankind change to a new thinking perspective and path, so as to change the value position of human beings in looking at the world.Perhaps it will really enable humans to quickly and simply understand from a new perspective all the causes and consequences of why human society is so chaotic, thereby simplifying the control of harmonious cooperation and sustainable development in human society.This matter has become extremely urgent as everyone feels more and more strongly that World War III could destroy all of humanity if it breaks out.Therefore, this scientific topic should be submitted to all mankind for discussion without delay.

Third, the scientific topic raised in this letter is a topic that is completely subversive to the value judgment stance underlying the habitual thinking patterns of all mankind.Humans have not yet been able to free themselves from the fact that their behavior is determined by animalistic likes and dislikes, which in essence rely on value judgments.The subversive perspective of the new topic on value stance will make people who rely on the original habitual thinking patterns, that is, those who construct value judgment stances and perspectives on the basis of their original thinking and especially those who gain a sense of success from them, completely unable to adapt.Human beings have no idea that the sense of satisfaction they get from the values ​​and interests that they understand and that are built on the basis of their original thinking patterns is actually illusory and will ultimately destroy the energy balance and cost them their lives.Therefore, in the current situation of human thinking mode, as long as this scientific topic is raised, it will be unfamiliar and confusing due to different perspectives.In reality, the vast majority of people will reject information with new perspectives based on their value path dependence, and may even mistakenly believe that it harms their own interests and engage in confrontation to stifle new information.This will make it difficult to safely bring this new scientific topic into the public eye, and the process of advancing it will also be dangerous.To eliminate this danger, we can only rely on the power of celebrities like Musk to make new scientific topics attract the attention and discussion of all mankind as quickly as possible.Now let us briefly explain why this must be done.Since the fundamental basis of human thinking is contrary to the nature of the universe, but is limited by the laws of the universe and can only explore and act in accordance with the laws, the contradiction between the value stance and the necessary behavior means that all serious matters in human social cooperation have to be done in a crooked way.In today's human society, only the field of exploring natural sciences has to abide by the essential laws of nature.The results obtained by human exploration of natural sciences promote the field of social cooperation.The progress of human civilization produced in this way is characterized by confusion and stumbling, which determines that the ideas produced by any individual human are usually only speculative in nature.Only some individual cleverness contains the spark that ignites wisdom.True wisdom always comes from the part of human beings that works and cooperates according to the essential laws of the universe.Therefore, this scientific topic may be alienated and distorted when it is first proposed and initially accepted by individuals.Once we enter the field of human cooperation, the wisest conclusions will inevitably be produced soon.The best way to ensure that this scientific topic is safely and comprehensively proposed and achieves good results is to allow as many people as possible to participate in the discussion and screening of this scientific topic as quickly as possible through the Internet.The wisdom generated from the wave of discussion and attention from all mankind will soon enable mankind to fully realize that many of the concepts currently regarded as the norm are extremely wrong.For example, the benchmark for the development of modern human civilization is mainly economic development, and it is believed that the system and institutions are the determining factors of social civilization.........These are all erroneous concepts that mislead human civilization and are produced by constructing thinking patterns based on primitive value positions.When it begins to guide mankind in a crooked way, it will not cause mankind to stray too far from the right path of civilization, that is, the laws of the deduction of the essence of the universe.But now it has caused a serious imbalance in human society, and has led society in a direction that is contrary to the essential laws of the universe.The main manifestation is that the unstoppable material desire is accelerating the engulfment of the essence of civilization that humans pursue.As a result, the essential laws of the universe will soon have to implement a completely subversive reset of the energy of human society in the opposite direction - and thus there will be a strange situation of approaching World War III that will make humanity feel devastating fear.Only when human beings cooperate from a new standpoint and perspective to generate new intelligent thinking, will those people in the groups that they think have vested interests in society fundamentally understand that the reality is that humanity is facing a subversive crisis of total destruction, and that a subversive new value perspective is necessary to completely save all of humanity from the crisis of subversive destruction.Therefore, the new scientific topics proposed here are not intended to infringe upon the interests of any vested interest group, but rather to enhance the fundamental interests of all people.

The above is the basic reason why we need to send an open letter to the world to @Musk and all human elites:Important scientific information that is extremely important to all of humanity and every individual, and that concerns life and death, needs to be transmitted to all of humanity efficiently, urgently and safely.Next time I may send an @ letter, I will briefly and as simply as possible explain from the perspective of the article: what is the human social cooperation structure and its underlying support on which the deduction of human civilization is based? And at what point has it produced a subversive opposition to the deduction law of the universe's essence?

Probably because I have always been a vagrant, and am an old man almost in his seventies, I no longer care about being criticized for not being qualified to talk about such a big thing.If you have important ideas that you think will benefit humanity, you should speak out.Perhaps it was because I always had a kind heart, or perhaps it was because God arranged for my perspectives to keep changing during my travels, and I happened to discover that humans can have another better perspective on the world.If everyone looks at the world from this new perspective, they will not have to endure a lifetime of hard work and mental suffering and go through all kinds of physical and mental tribulations.But this requires at least the vast majority of people in the world to see the world from this new perspective.So I have been thinking about how to tell everyone this perspective on the world and make it clear where this perspective stands.I hope that everyone who comes to this world can live a comfortable life.My current age, physical condition and the world situation are reminding me that we should bring this scientific topic into the global vision as soon as possible, because I think this should be the greatest good thing for all mankind.I have to make a living now, and due to my physical condition, I can only ask everyone who has the opportunity to review this letter to spread it and @Musk.I believe that spreading this message is an act of great merit.Based on the above, please do not pay attention to what words I use or who I am, just pay attention to the subject I talk about.That's all I want everyone reading this to do. Thank you.




