2008-11-21 12:40:00
1-----You can't argue with success
Though you may tell someone they are doing something in a wrong way, you have to stop criticizing them if their method works.
Though you may tell someone they are doing something in a wrong way, you have to stop criticizing them if their method works.
2-----Nothing succeeds like success
Like money in a savings account, success seems to compound itself. A person who has a small success expects it to be followed by a bigger one.
Like money in a savings account, success seems to compound itself. A person who has a small success expects it to be followed by a bigger one.
3-----The end justifies the means
It does not matter how you succeed. Any method is all right if it works for you. This proverb is not always accepted. Often one hears the opposite, " the end doesn't justifies the means."
It does not matter how you succeed. Any method is all right if it works for you. This proverb is not always accepted. Often one hears the opposite, " the end doesn't justifies the means."
4-----If you can't beat them, join them
If you cannot compete successfully with a person or a group, stop competing and go join them. Then you can share in their success.
If you cannot compete successfully with a person or a group, stop competing and go join them. Then you can share in their success.
5-----Always a day late and a dollar short
A criticism of a person who never succeeds. The failures may not be drastic but the pattern of small failures is annoying to others, especially in two areas that Americans value as highly as time and money.
A criticism of a person who never succeeds. The failures may not be drastic but the pattern of small failures is annoying to others, especially in two areas that Americans value as highly as time and money.
6-----One thing at a time
Concentration leads to success. The person who tires to do too many things at once may fail at all of them.
Concentration leads to success. The person who tires to do too many things at once may fail at all of them.
7-----We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
We will not discuss or worry about a future problem. If and when the problem becomes urgent, we will deal with it.
We will not discuss or worry about a future problem. If and when the problem becomes urgent, we will deal with it.
8-----Don't put the cart before the hourse
Do things in a sensible order. For example, do something to impress your boss before you ask for a raise in pay. Don't ask for the raise first.
Do things in a sensible order. For example, do something to impress your boss before you ask for a raise in pay. Don't ask for the raise first.
9-----All's fair in love and war
Do not trust a rival or an enemy at all. His or her desire to succeed will overrule everything else. Such a people may lie, cheat, attack or do many other things far more terrible than he or she would normally do.
Do not trust a rival or an enemy at all. His or her desire to succeed will overrule everything else. Such a people may lie, cheat, attack or do many other things far more terrible than he or she would normally do.
10-----When in Rome do as the romans do
Flexibility leads to success in unfamiliar circumstances. People may changes their normal way of doing things in order to fit in better with those they are visiting.
Flexibility leads to success in unfamiliar circumstances. People may changes their normal way of doing things in order to fit in better with those they are visiting.
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