how should i tell her?
2004-09-03 13:16:00
A new Chinese girl in my dept is asking me for the old homeworks and exams of one course. I never met her and barely know her. The thing is, the professor made it very clear in class that nobody should borrow the old homeworks from previous year students. Otherwise it violates the honor code system. But she still emailed me!!
What should I say? Tell her that it's unethical to do so?Or, are there any better ways to decline her request? I really don't want to be an accomplice in this kind of matters.
Sigh, I am the only Chinese who took those courses in the past 2 years....I expect she'd ask me more.......
btw, i don't want to leave her the impression of 'unfriendly'...but it seems it can't be avoided if i say 'no' to her. :( Why people can't have some self-conscienciousness....
What should I say? Tell her that it's unethical to do so?Or, are there any better ways to decline her request? I really don't want to be an accomplice in this kind of matters.
Sigh, I am the only Chinese who took those courses in the past 2 years....I expect she'd ask me more.......
btw, i don't want to leave her the impression of 'unfriendly'...but it seems it can't be avoided if i say 'no' to her. :( Why people can't have some self-conscienciousness....
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-3 13:18:54编辑过]
Jusy say no by making other excuses, such as the homework were lost when you were moving etc..
Thanks. But that'll be toooooo lame. Anyone knows this is not true. Especially I just finished the phd qualify exam and the related course materials are no way to be lost.
以下是引用sea-shell在2004-9-3 13:19:07的发言:
Jusy say no by making other excuses, such as the homework were lost when you were moving etc..
Jusy say no by making other excuses, such as the homework were lost when you were moving etc..
honor code还是很严的,猫猫还是不要冒这个险了吧,你还没毕业,万一到时候发现了你一样要负责任。你或者跟她说你可以借给她教材复习资料什么的,但是作业和考试的东西是不能借的,要是被发现就惨了,把后果的严重性跟她说说
你们学校还有这么个honor code,真好
你们学校还有这么个honor code,真好
Just tell her that you are willing to help but it's too risky for both of you.
Just say NO to her and tell her how bad the consequences will be for you. It seems that she doesn't look at you as a friend, but just wants to take advantage of you. Why should you care about being "unfriendly" to her? Tell her that she can try to talke to those American students about this and see what will happen.
以下是引用season在2004-9-3 14:07:03的发言:
你们学校还有这么个honor code,真好
你们学校还有这么个honor code,真好
还是不要借吧,哪怕就是找个借口也好,让她有什么不 明白的来问你好了,总比过后万一被老师发现的后果好的多了。试图和她讲道理大概,至少现在她是不会明白的,这和她刚过来有关,许多事情她都觉得没那么严重,可是万一出了什么事情,她会把责任推给你。
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