Body weight exercises are good enough for beginners. You are more likely to get injured with appliances when you have no experience.
lingling7 发表于 2023-09-21 14:04
body weight咋练呢?和器械拉伸不一样吗?
body weight咋练呢?和器械拉伸不一样吗?
lishifu 发表于 2023-09-21 20:35
You don't have the strength and proper form if you are a beginner. You should focus on the form and learn how to activate the right muscle.
Many core exercises are available without the use of weights, e.g. plank or elbow plank, side plank, standing crunch, inch worm, bear crawl, dead bug, plank shoulder taps, plank jack, bicycles, toe touch, leg raises and many more.
可以先挑挑Zumba, 把身体活动开了,然后选一些无氧课,里面的一些扩胸训练对体态有好处的
YouTube有没有适合beginner的推荐?感觉一不小心就有可能受伤啊。proper form不容易啊。之前膝盖难受了一次,这两天腰好像又扭了。😭
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