美女教练问下哈。我是不忌口不节食,因为血糖原因,所以算是16+8吃法,去gym上group lessons. Strength, HIIT, Zumba,Pilate之类的,基本能保证一星期2-3次strengh和cardio. 这么多年没见掉过秤,现在年纪上来了,迈向更年期了,体重开始涨了,我就是想增肌减脂,别再涨体重了,咋整?
糖葫芦 发表于 2023-01-07 12:35
I would love to see your comprehensive lab work to give you a more detailed recommendation.
I would highly recommend going on a diet that's high in protein, moderate to lower carbs and a higher fat diet. Are your feeding windows during daylight hours?? Make sure each meal is a balanced meal with high protein + veggies + fat and some starch, and go for a 5-10 minute walk after each meal, it will help with digestion and lower blood sugar, and reduce stress. I don't know if you are taking any medication for your blood sugar level. If you are not taking anything, you can look into taking berberine am + pm to improve insulin sensitivity.
windysnow 发表于 2023-01-07 19:47
Thank you so much!!!!!!!
Shalry 发表于 2023-01-07 23:55
There are many different ways, but the question is, will you be ok with gaining it back quickly???
If you don't want to gain the weight back quickly, I recommend to not look for a shortcut.
楼主能不能重点讲讲?我闺蜜问了医生也是这么说。她饮食是low carb,每周上些hiit,四肢修长,非常能走路,但是讨厌跑步。现在体重身材完美(国内审美),只是小肚子突在那里。(我的审美的话,她偏瘦,没力量,但我自己也没完全解决好小肚子的问题)
.Cheers. 发表于 2023-01-08 18:23
Changes in menopause result in a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, heart disease, and osteoporosis.. You'll usually see higher glucose, and insulin levels, so a lower carbs / higher fat diet will be a better starting point.
Another thing to watch out for, increasing age results in lower stomach acid which may hinder the absorption of nutrients (the main cause of iron deficiency anemia post-menopause)
想请教平台期的问题。我每周3次strength, group class,自己平时有跑步习惯很多年了,每周5天左右。有4个月了,体重基本不动减不下去。饮食一周有5-6天deficit。有氧和无氧都不能再加了,饮食尝试减intake一天两天,后面几天就总想吃,肯定要补回来。不知道该怎么做才能掉称。谢谢先!
minim3list 发表于 2023-01-12 10:51
OK, in this case, I would suggest going on a diet break for 1-2 weeks to eat at maintenance calories. Then go back to cutting again. That's what I do with all my lifestyle clients.
Jaycee 发表于 2023-01-12 23:20
YesI I would focus on losing body fat and then build muscles with bf 28%. It is easier to build muscle when you are leaner.
You will build muscles if you are completely brand new to resistance training, but I would recommend focusing on fat loss then building muscles.
Jaycee 发表于 2023-01-12 23:20
I forgot to add, you should start resistance training regardless the goal is losing fat or build muscles.
You are welcome! 🥰
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