Could I use dryed milk as a replacement of protein powder?
2005-10-06 10:40:00
I just started workout this week. I am very skinny and want to build up more muscle mass. I have heard people eat protein powder after workout. I am wondering if I can use dryed milk as a replacement. Since a lot of protein powder products are made from milk.
Any suggestion regarding nutrition and exercise would be appreciated! right now, I just use the equipments for muscle exercise in the gym.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-6 10:40:47编辑过]
protein powder中的各种氨基酸的比例是经过调配的. 就是说某些比较少,有重要的氨基酸经过强化了. 所以营养价值比较高. 尤其对练肌肉有好处.
还有protein powder不一定是从milk中提炼的.
I found 100% whey protein from Optimum Nutrition is kind of popular. Where can I buy it? I don't see it in the local suparmarket. I want to have 60g of it each day since I don't eat meat a lot. Thank you.
PS: 5'6'' 110 lb
60g / day protein intake is a very high volume, only necessary if you are serious body builder.
I bought whey protein powder from Walmart. It's not 100% pure, for each 30g serving, only 20g protein, 5g carbs and 2.5g fat.
蛋白质不是必须的补品, 如果你的身体需要不了那么多(60g/day), 多余的会被分解, 消耗, 然后通过尿排出. 所以会加重肾的负担.
100% protein powder我没吃过, 但我想一定很不好吃. 如果你不吃肉, 想吃protein powder来补充蛋白质, 很可能一样不喜欢吃.
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